
During your stay at Tahlo Hillhouse, you have free recreational fishing rights in the 1200 hectare Tahlo and Kulju water area. Trolling with more than one rod is also allowed, and you also have the opportunity to fish with one net or two fish traps or ten crab traps.

In addition to this, you must have paid a personal state fishery management fee. You can pay the fishery management fee at

At Tahlo Underhill lakeside sauna, you can find a map of the water areas, on which the water areas of Tahlo and Kulju are marked.

You can ask for more information and claim additional rights from

Rowing boats can be rented for 29 € / day / one boat, after which + 10 € / day / boat. The price includes life jackets and oars. A rowing boat with a motor is 69 € /day, after which + 19 € /day. You can also use and launch your own boat, please ask us about this.